This Old House...

Our house is falling apart!! We just paid about $3500 to get new concrete poured in our driveway, a tree removed that was trying to grow into our garage, and the bricks on the garage fixed where the tree had damaged them. And NOW, we have a VERY leaky faucet in our bathtub that keeps getting worse and worse. It is basically just constantly running water now - and it's hot water. So, the plumber came out yesterday - over $350 to fix it! Are you kidding me? I'm about ready to move out of this money pit and into a new BIG house in the 'burbs! Old houses - love the charm and location, hate the maintenance!

AND... on top of that stress, my husband just found out that he has to travel for work AGAIN next week - that makes 4 out of 5 weeks since I started my Fall classes that he has had to travel. Our regular babysitter isn't available on Wednesdays or Thursdays because of her other job, so I am stuck trying to find a sitter so that I can go to class.

WTF is going on???? I'm going to buy a lottery ticket - it has to be about time for our luck to change!

Okay... I need to start focusing on all of the great things in my life. Focusing on the positive will greatly improve my mental (and physical) health! Maybe I should go for a run... that would help too. So here is some positive stuff....

The GOOD NEWS - Henry had his 9 month check up yesterday and he is perfect! He weighed 19 lbs, 2 oz. He was 28 1/4 inches long. That's 26th percentile for weight and 55th percentile for length. He is getting so big! He is also right on target for all of his developmental milestones. We are so lucky to have such a healthy, wonderful baby boy!

AND - we got our BOB Stroller yesterday! HOORAY! I love it already....

AND - Cory and I are going to San Francisco for our 3 year wedding anniversary!!! I am so excited.

See, there are lots of good things going on.... FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE....
Okay, I feel better now.


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