Work...or workout?

There's an old cliche: There aren't enough hours in the day. Seriously, could that be any truer?

I've been so MIA from this blog, my Examiner articles, my family, my shower... No, just kidding about the shower - I'm at least able to do that everyday. But, since this semester began, this "Skinny Mom" hasn't had much time to do anything other than work and study. I'm not feeling all that skinny right now. In fact, I think I may be getting that wide, flat butt that we all fear - it's an unfortunate side effect of sitting in a chair ALL day EVERY day. Yet, this is what my life has become.

Three days per week I'm working as an editorial intern at 5280 - Denver's Magazine. (Love!)
Two nights per week I'm taking evening classes. (NO love!)
The rest of my time is spent sitting in front of my computer at home doing research for the magazine or doing homework for my classes. Hence, major. flat. butt.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still forcing myself out of bed sometimes for that early morning workout, it just isn't nearly as often as I'd like. Lately, I'm lucky if I get three or four workouts per week. I used to get six. This is a problem for the former fat girl that loves to eat but never wants to be fat again. Working out is a necessity.

Do you see the predicament I'm in here? Work my butt off at my internship and perhaps get an awesome job because of it, or work my butt off in the gym and have a rockin' bod' because of it. Ya just can't have everything.

I've never liked that saying. "You can't have everything." Huh? I'm confused. Why not?
That's like, "Life isn't fair." Really? That's dumb.

I guess in the end I'll choose to continue giving this internship my all and hope that my hard work pays off. After all, I still see my family every once in a while, and I'm working out about three times every week - and that's about three times more than a lot of people out there.


  1. Well, it sounds like you've been crazy busy!! I think working out three times a week is pretty darn good (about three times better then me at this point!) Hope you're still loving your new job!


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