The Best Husband Ever

I hurt Cory's feelings last night.

He liked my blog post, but wondered why he wasn't included in it at all. He said, "You talked about Henry and even the dog, but nothing about your wonderful husband."

Sorry, babe. I really am. Tonight, I'm going to make it up to you.

I have the best husband ever.
  • Cory works a full time job during the day, and then comes home and does everything he can to help me with Henry. He is always doing bath time, cooking dinner, etc...
  • I have gone to sushi with the girls for the last two Fridays in a row and guess who stayed home with our kiddo ... Yep, my AMAZING husband.
  • Cory makes all the money for our family and never says one word about how I spend it.
  • Cory likes to exercise and eat healthy, which makes it so much easier for me to exercise and eat healthy.
  • Cory is beginning to understand that he shouldn't fart in the kitchen, especially if I am in there.
  • Cory only gets a bulging/herniated disc in the lumbar region of his back once per year. Hoping the epidural will take care of it this year... Seriously.
  • Cory is super funny and can always make me laugh.
  • Anyone who knows me, knows that I am somewhat rigid with my schedule, and I can get quite upset if things don't happen when they are supposed to... (A great example of this: Henry not napping when I expected him to)... Who do you think makes me feel better and helps with the situation?? Cory - even though is gets really annoyed with me.
  • I am a really light sleeper and Cory only snores when he drinks. Then, I kick him and he doesn't even get mad.
  • Cory is the best Federal Agent in this country - he takes pride in the work that he does. Bonus -- it is so cool to see him put his gun and badge on before he leaves the house in the morning.
  • Cory is SO supportive of me going to school. He has been really helpful with my search for a summer internship.
  • Cory is bald, and he totally embraces his baldness. Sexy!!
  • Cory has lots of hobbies and is usually good at everything he does - golf, hunting, etc... Such a "Man's Man"...
  • Cory is really good at lots of other things too.... if you catch my drift...


I love you.


  1. Yay for you guys being all cute and GROSS, don't want to know about your 'drift', thank you!

  2. Ha! You guys are way cuter than we are. I know I've read a few gross lovey-dovey things are your blog...


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